About Our Products

All of our products are derived from natural plant-based oils and butters, which means you will NEVER find any animal fats or renderings in the ingredient list. The fatty acids from natural plant oils provide nutrients, evens out overall skin tone and help skin retain moisture, resulting in smooth, plump glowing skin! Plant-based butters are high in vitamins, proteins, antioxidants, polyphenols and minerals, all of which are critical to healthy glowing skin. Many of our products are infused with very beneficial skin loving plant botanicals and earth compounds such as oatmeal, chamomile, turmeric, activated charcoal, aloe vera, cucumber, natural clays, ect. We also use milk and honeys in some of our products but not to worry, we have plenty of vegan friendly options to choose from as well.

We vow to always use ingredients that are ethically sourced as well as eco and animal friendly. We feel everyone should be able to experience the benefits of using products that not only contain superior benefits and gentle on the skin but are overall safe to use and free from harmful chemicals. This is why we sell our products at the most affordable prices and don’t gyp anyone of the nourishing properties that they deserve!

~Let Nature Nourish Your Soul~

….and our nature-derived products take care of the rest!


Fun Fact

Our skin is the largest organ of the human body and thus making it one of the most complex. It is able to absorb 60%-70% of whatever is placed on the surface, pending on the molecular size. Knowing this, it is essential to know what we use is safe and free from harmful chemicals and detergents.



So what sets our Products apart from many of the big commercial brands?

Oils and butters derived from straight from mother earth tend to be more on the expensive side. Many of the commercial brand products contain harmful chemicals, synthetic detergents and carcinogens, all of which can irritate and dry out your skin not to mention, put your health in harm’s way! These harmful ingredients are often used in soaps and many other beauty products in place of the nourishing natural ingredients in order to keep costs down for themselves as well as their consumers. Formulating skin care products is a science in itself! For example: There are many different oils and butters that help with the many aspects of what makes a bar of soap, well, a bar of soap. Moisturizing, protecting, lathering, cleanliness and even the hardness of a bar are some to name a few. But if there is a chemical or detergent that can do the same thing for half of the cost, unfortunately then this route is taken in more cases then not.

Glycerine is a compulsory ingredient in soap, and in hand made soaps glycerine is created during the making process. It serves as an excellent humectant and hygrosopic agent. Which means this nourishing biproduct of the natural soap making process settles in between the soap molecules and will attract moisture and draws it deep into your skin to keep it hydrated. The low pH due to glycerine makes sure your skin remains fresh throughout the day . But there is a high cost to pay for glycerine and in many cases, commercial soap companies will completely extract this product from their soaps to be used for other products such as gels, serums and lotions. This makes your skin dry and flaky over a course of time. So, the customers are forced to buy soap for cleansing and another product for moisturizing. Kind of a double negative, don’t you think?

We care about what we use on our skin and the ingredients it takes to make our products. We hope to bring awareness to others not only of the importance but also the benefits that can be achieved in using our products. We vow to always use ingredients that are Ethically Sourced as well as Eco and Animal friendly! We feel everyone should be able to experience the benefits of using products that not only contain superior benefits and gentle on the skin but are overall safe to use and free from harmful chemicals and detergents. Thats why we sell our products at the most affordable prices and don’t gyp anyone on any of the nourishing properties that they deserve!

~Let Nature Nourish Your Soul~

….and our nature-derived products take care of the rest!